My friend in the UK buys it and sends it over to me so I’m not sure.  All I 
know is that you can buy it from Amazon in the UK  
Shipping from the UK can be quite costly though.  More often than not it costs 
more to ship than it does for the actual product.




From: MaryAnn Helland [] 
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 5:38 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Cracked Brittle Nails - Toenail Fungus/Melly


Donna -- how much does this product actually cost?  Both the product itself, 
and shipping?  Thanks.




From: Donna M Lewis <>
Sent: Sun, November 4, 2012 1:17:51 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Cracked Brittle Nails - Toenail Fungus/Melly

I haven’t really been keeping up with this thread, but I also have a problem 
with cracked and brittle and flaky nails.  My solution is to use a product from 
the UK called Nailoid Hard and Fast Nail Hardener.  I live in the US now so I 
have to get a friend to mail it to me every so often, but it’s the only thing 
I’ve ever found that works.  I’ve tried all kinds of nail hardener over here 
and they’re all rubbish.  You paint it on every day (and it soaks in as opposed 
to drying on your nails like a polish) for about a week, then you only need to 
do it once or twice a week after that.


Nailoid has other products but this one is the ONLY one that works.  


Hope this helps.




From: Jane MacRoss [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2012 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Cracked Brittle Nails - Toenail Fungus/Melly


I was wondering how you were Ro - perhaps it's a "Brought up in UK syndrome" I 
only keep the 12 salts separately .......  !!  I'm still hoping D:E will help


What is Guaifenesin??      // Jane

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Rowena <>  


Sent: Sunday, November 04, 2012 11:40 AM

Subject: Re: CS>Cracked Brittle Nails - Toenail Fungus/Melly


What minerals might you be lacking, Jane?

The Fibromyalgia Dr Armand noticed that many of the women coming to him had 
well tended nails - false ones, which they wore because their nails cracked and 
flaked and split.  He would generally put them on guaifenesin, which is 
reckoned to sort out the problem of calcium phosphate deposits.

Mine are that way, though they improved at one stage, but I can't remember what 
I was doing at the time. 

As a girl, I was told it was an arthritic thing, and not to eat this that and 
the other.

Some biochemics might help - all twelve in one, perhaps, while you read the 
links posted on the subject, as I will myself.


On 2/11/2012 8:02 PM, Jane MacRoss wrote:

Cracked & brittle nails do you think this is always a fungal problem? I just 
thought it was hereditary? My toe nails are totally crippled & awful- only 
moons anywhere on hands or feet are on the thumbs, which are very vertically 
ridged so much so they often split - again I assumed with was hereditary?  
Biotin hasn't really helped yet. Any suggestions?  (homeopathy hasn't helped 
either with Causticum & Graphites) 


I was hoping that diatomaceous earth might help but I so rarely have cold 
drinks I haven't really started taking it yet.

