I live in TX and we have plenty of sun...however, I have a thyroid disease and 
that interferes with the up take of Vit D. which has made clacium to not be 
properly assimilated, so now I also have bone issues etc, etc.  There more to 
it than standing in the sun.

Edith in TX

-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Knowlton <judydownma...@roadrunner.com>
To: silver-list <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Fri, Dec 7, 2012 6:14 pm
Subject: RE: CS>VITAMIN D DEFFICIENCY and the Great State of Maine

Hi, Neville -- your comment seems logical indeed.  However, I live on the coast 
of Maine, where we often have 2 days of sun a month whether we need it or not.. 
Heavy clouds often.  We often have to bundle up because of the cold and wind.  
SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) is a noticeable problem in winter for many.  
A couple of years ago, I began taking a little Vitamin D daily.  I'm a 
naturally cheerful and upbeat sort at age 77. I forgot about it,  and was 
surprised to feel a noticeable "lift" after a couple of weeks. I had done 
nothing else different. 
Judy Down Maine
-----Original Message-----
From: Neville Munn [mailto:one.red...@hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 5:30 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

I started a new topic so I could air my views on this ridiculous Vit D 
deficiency BS.

I live in Australia for Christ sake, we get enough sun here that if you walked 
around under it for too long your body fluids would start to simmer, and 
eventually boil inside your damn skin, and they waffle on and diagnose people 
with Vit D deficiency.....??????  Shear and utter lunacy!!!

Work it out for heavens sake.  WHY and HOW can Homo Sapien in the 21st century 
possibly be lacking in ANY vitamin, AND mineral if it comes to that, because I 
have no doubt we are surely lacking in bucket loads of those too if they cared 
to investigate....???????

We are slowly being poisoned, deprived of natural nutrients in pretty much 
EVERYTHING we drink and consume, not forgetting those microwave terminators 
that we put food and liquid into before consumption.

If this was a natural occurrence, we would never have progressed past the Stone 

This lacking of vitamins and minerals is being forced upon every Homo Sapien on 
the planet pretty much, and with the dollar and profit as motivation.

There is so much BS being spread around by those little people in their white 
dust coats that people are actually believing everything some organisation puts 

The FDA, our TGA and any other funded mob of laboratory Frankensteins all have 
vested interests in something OTHER than your and my health in mind!!

There, I've got that off my chest, nobody need reply, just considered it was 
time for a voice of sanity and reason to be heard.
