Even a Roman Emperor felt he would be better off ending his past obligations
today and starting anew in sync with nature's rules rather than the ties and
lies of mankind.



From: Neville Munn [mailto:one.red...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 8:25 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>VITAMIN D DEFFICIENCY and the Great State of Maine


WHAT THE....??? What the hell is all that about...???


Care to decode that doc?


My life will end when I reach my expiry date and not before, after that I
won't give a toss cos I'll be worm fodder - end of story! <g>




From: dr...@earthlink.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>VITAMIN D DEFFICIENCY and the Great State of Maine
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2012 20:02:55 -0800

"Take it that you have died today, and your life's story is ended; and
henceforward regard what further time may be given you as an uncovenanted
surplus, and live it out in harmony with nature." 

-Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
