Thanks again for more feedback. Her Psoriasis is only on her head and the  
diagnosis was plaque psoriasis.
I never heard of that.
In a message dated 1/29/2014 11:30:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:


What is the size (mg) of the milk thistle capsules you  take?


---- Lena Guyot  <> wrote: 

Along with Borax,  Boron, vitamin D, and DE, I've found that milk-thistle 
has helped the liver  issues from which my psoriasis arose. I'd tried one cap 
a day and it did  nothing, but 4 a day caused noticeable progress in a 
couple weeks. Fumaric  acid is also good, and someone dowsed that  cedar oil 
carried in olive,  coconut or argan oil would help and it made a big difference 
on some of my  patches.
Be well,
On Jan 28, 2014, at 8:38 PM,  wrote:

> Thank you Gail. My grandaughter is also plagued with  Psoriasis.
> All tough for a 15 year old and I have no idea what to do  about that
> In a message dated 1/22/2014 8:40:52 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Boron which is  what Borax is (Ted on earthclinic said he watch them 
literally take the boron  from borax when making a boron supplement) is needed 
for calcium uptake and  healthy bones.  U can get a boron supplement in pill 
form if one  prefers.
> Of course vitamin D.   I think most people  are low in it and not even 
> DE is also suppose to be  good for bone health as well as MSM for joints. 
 One guy said he healed  his sciatic nerve back problem by taking high 
doses of MSM.
> I  take a little of all of them.
> Gail
>  On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:31 PM, ""  
<> wrote:
> did you find anything for your bones?If  so would you mind sharing?
> CJ
> In a message  dated 1/22/2014 1:32:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  writes:
> No, actually I was reading some testimonials on  ''  They 
have a section on borax.  I really like the  stuff and it's dirt cheap. lol  
Got into it when looking for something to  strengthen my bones.  This 'old 
gray mare ain't what she use to be.'  <chuckle>
> Gail
> On Wednesday,  January 22, 2014 10:42 AM, Deborah Gerard 
<>  wrote:
> Gail,

> Is the borax group on yahoo?
> Thanks,  Debbie :)
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:57 AM,  Gail Naranjo 
<> wrote:
> Hi CJ,
> My grandson had the same problem.  Proactive worked well for  him.   My 
daughter also uses it and it worked great.
> However, I read on the borax list, borax works great for it as  well.  
Especially when they get acne on their back.  My grandson's  acne is gone now 
but he still gets it on back from playing basketball and  sweating so much.  
I gave him some borax and he said it worked really  well.
> My daughter use to sunbath a lot until she came down  with skin cancer, 
so now she goes to the dermatologist and gets treatments,  skin peals and 
such.  He skin looks really healthy now.  She also  uses proactive.
> So if you have the money or insurance covers  it, a dermatologist does 
work really well as does proactive.  But is  money is an issue, the 20 mule 
team borax works just as well.   I  love the way it makes my skin feel.   Of 
course, at 64 I don't have  acne, but it sure cleans out the pores and leaves 
my skin silky smooth.   Can also mix with your shampoo and leave your hair 
silky clean.
> Gail
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:51 PM,  "" 
<> wrote:
> My granddaughter is  suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on this 
list know what can be  done to help this condition?
> CJ

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