Hi Mike:

Which Croft zapper are you using?


---- "M.G. Devour" <mdev...@gmail.com> wrote: 

ASL wrote:
> May I ask all the zapper users to tell me how exactly this works and
> what does it heal specifically? 
> Why I keep seeing "hoax" ---- when I look up Hulda's zappers online?
> How soon do you see positive results?

The end of December I posted my recent experience with the zapper.

Over the last several years I've monitored my urine and/or saliva pH
pretty often. In that time, unless I'd been taking alkaline salts of one
sort or another I had NEVER had readings as high as 7.0 and they were
normally around 5-ish. I was very acid.

Within two days of starting to use a zapper from Don Croft my saliva pH
readings jumped to 6.5 and have stayed there or above consistently
since. Urine pH began to show spikes to as high as 7.0-7.5 while still
showing readings at the low end, depending on what I'd been eating and
how recently. 

Now, unlike ever before, a couple small doses of various salts is enough
to keep my pH readings consistently in the range of 6.5-7.5 with only
the rarest of excursions below those levels.

It's anybody's guess how this works. The idea that it's eliminating the
pathogen load is as good as any. It also might be having some systemic
effect on the chemistry of the lymph and blood -- it has to inject some
energy into the system which ought to change the chemistry. Don says
he's seen a similar response fairly often.

The other thing it has done is normalized my blood pressure, which had
been moderately elevated for over a decade. Within 2 weeks of starting
the zapper, I got a blood pressure reading of 130-ish over 70. That was
a 10-15 point drop in diastolic and 10-40 point drop in systolic. It has
been consistent since, with the lover number ranging from 68 to about 74
and the upper number from 125 to 135 or so.

Again, I have no clue how it's done this. I refuse to take prescription
blood pressure medicine, and nothing else I've tried ever managed to
budge the numbers at all.

It's another effect Don has heard about from his customers pretty often.

I'm willing to draw a causal link between the zapper and these changes
because I started using it during a long break from almost all of my
other protocols. It was the only thing I was doing differently for
several weeks before or after.

That's my story.

Be well,

Mike D.

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