To be straight with you, if the thyroid is not producing there are no supplements that work except dessicated thyroid. Long term, iodine will help it work better but for immediate results you need to replace what the thyroid is not making. Get the dessicated thyroid, follow up with iodine and use supplements third. This way the body gets what it needs while you work on getting the thyroid going again, which takes a long time. No need to be suffering while you are working on getting your body working right again. Increase the dessicated thyroid meds about every two weeks till body temps are normal. Down the road you may have to reduce the ndt as the thyroid gets healthy and you will know that by high temps.

Most endos don't even take your temperature and don't know there is a correlation between temps and how well your thyroid is working. And most have no clue how to use the natural meds, going instead for the synthetic ones which are useless. Don't let them steer you that way, it will be a mistake.


On 4/20/2014 1:17 PM, Gary Hilt wrote:
Thanks it seems the consensus so for is thyroid. i know of a good
supplement. Also her temp is low

On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 11:33 PM, Cyndi <
<>> wrote:

    People can have thyroid problems with their TSH test coming in
    range. I'm an example of that. The best way to tell if you have a
    thyroid problem is to take your temperature. Temps below 98.6 can
    indicate hypothyroidism.

    After years of "normal" bloodwork I bought some dessicated thyroid
    from Thailand and medicated myself and it made a world of
    difference. Now I have the doctors prescribing it for me.


    On 4/19/2014 6:09 PM, Gary Hilt wrote:

        no bblood work has been ok

        On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Jess <
        <>__>> wrote:

             did she have low or high thyroid with the burning mouth?
        thanks, jess

             -----Original Message-----
        <> <
        <> <
             Sent: Saturday, April 19, 2014 12:09 PM
             To: <>
        < <>__>
             Cc: Smitty
             Subject: Re: CS>Burning tongue and mouth

             Burning tongue was a problem for me many years ago when I used
             artificial sweeteners. Make sure she is not doing that.

             ---- Smitty < <>
        < <>>> wrote:
             Treatment should be tailored to your individual needs.
        Depending on
             the cause of your BMS symptoms, possible treatments may

                 - adjusting or replacing irritating dentures
                 - treating existing disorders such as diabetes, Sjögren’s
             syndrome, or a
                 thyroid problem to improve burning mouth symptoms
                 - recommending supplements for nutritional deficiencies
                 - switching medicine, where possible, if a drug you are
        taking is
                 causing your burning mouth
                 - prescribing medications to
                    - relieve dry mouth
                    - treat oral candidiasis
                    - help control pain from nerve damage
                    - relieve anxiety and depression.

             When no underlying cause can be found, treatment is aimed
        at the
             symptoms to try to reduce the pain associated with burning

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             On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Gary Hilt

              > ​My wife has had this burning for some months and she
        can hardly eat
              > anything​. Ear.nose throat tried marys magic mouth wash​.
              > This last follow up he said he NO answers  to the
        problem. Anyone
              > any ideas we have used silver,peroxide and nothing.
              > --
              > Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our
        Father, and
             from the
              > Lord Jesus Christ.
              > Gary & Lennie

             The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
        Colloidal Silver.
                Rules and Instructions:


             Off-Topic discussions:
             List Owner: Mike Devour <
             < <>>>

        Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and
        from the
        Lord Jesus Christ.
        Gary & Lennie

Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Gary & Lennie