Debbie.. You should get your tsh (thyroid) checked, iron and b-12 as PT
mentioned.  Also, a natural progesterone cream like Pro-Gest
can be appropriate. And taking an iodine supplement such as iodoral or
I-throid can be helpful.  When adding iodine, be sure to take the
companion nutrients (Vit C, magnesium, selenium and Celtic Sea Salt or Real
Salt).  If you try iodine, start off with very low doses
(the liquid Lugols might be more appropriate when starting off) and be
ready to back down the dosage if detox symptoms appear.

Iodine is a member of the chemical family called 'halides'.  Chlorine,
fluorine and bromine also belong to this family.  In the absence
of iodine, these other chemicals occupy the iodine receptor sites on our
cells and, when we start adding iodine, iodine will start 'kicking
out' these other halides and it may be more than our liver/kidneys can
handle thus.. the companion nutrients help open up the detox
pathways and backing off dosage is called for.  I don't think of iodine as
some wild, exotic supplement... to me it is just like Vit C or B
or any other nutrient that our body requires.  Do your own homework and
research.  Knowledge is power, right?
Any questions... just holler.   Lola H.

On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 9:56 PM, PT Ferrance <> wrote:

>  If I remember correctly if you are not eating meat (and don't eat enough
> diary or eggs) you can be lacking in B12... an energy vitamin.
> PT
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* moxaman <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 30, 2014 8:16 PM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>D-Ribose verses Dimethylglycine
>   Debbie,
>       One of the best and healthiest things I can do for increased energy
> and stamina is to drink freshly made juice.  My favorite is carrot, beet,
> cabbage, kale.  Delicious too!
>  *From:* Deborah Gerard <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 30, 2014 11:54 AM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* CS>D-Ribose verses Dimethylglycine
>  Greetings to all,
> Can I please get some opinions on D-Ribose verses Dimethylglycine for
> energy? I am 63 in fairly good health except for energy and am sick and
> tired of being tired.
> I do a multitude of things for my body no meat, no gluten, drink only
> filtered water, take vitamins etc.
> If you do take something for energy could you please tell me where you buy
> them too?
> Thanks in advance,
> Debbie