Neville what is the member entrance fee for this club?
Attitude is everything
Alive Again Colloidal Silver
Eye drops & Topical Gel

On Oct 17, 2014, at 5:53 AM, Neville <> wrote:

Most people out there have been "Moron conditioned", and Moron with a capital 
'M', by the establishment Dee.  Didn't you know that everything that appears on 
TV or in the newspapers or on the radio or in magazines or dribbles out of 
politicians mouths is the truth?  Just ask anyone, most would believe anything 
and everything which emanates from the above.  It must be true, gee, they 
wouldn't tell us lies, or distort the truth, or hide the facts would they?  No, 
surely not!

It needs much more than 'luck' to get most people to see *any* picture at all 
let alone the bigger picture.  I believe they call those who are incapable of 
thinking for themselves 'sheeple', well we ain't seen nuthin yet in 2014.

Welcome in the next generation of the - "Institutionalised", the mainstream 
conditioned "Automatons".

May I take the liberty of saying, those of us who are still capable of thinking 
for ourselves are a rapidly dying breed, and some are ostracised for having an 
attitude or still dare to question.  Ummmm, and I am proud to say I would be 
one of the aforesaid <g>.


Subject: Re: CS>Spanish Flu - Epidemic of 1918
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 09:12:01 +0100

I am appalled at the amount of children suffering from cancer nowadays let 
alone the number of people.  This was almost unheard of in my day also things 
like asthma and it amazes me that the powers that be do not put two and two 
together ie the one thing they do which they didn't then, is vaccinate six week 
old babies with a cocktail of poisons!  Also the food of course which is soaked 
in poison too....dee

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On 17 Oct 2014, at 02:48, Alan Faulkner <> wrote:

A friend's son is autistic. He became autistic shortly after being vaccinated. 
There are far too many cases of 
