I'll just throw my two bobs worth in here...
There is nothing of which represents Electrolytically Isolated Silver dispersed 
in Distilled Water *alone* used by any research I have found in over 10 years 
of my involvement with this stuff.  I'm just a mug punter, but as a mug punter 
I do not put any credence in any report from any written word from the 
establishment or research facilities offered to the public to contemplate.
It's one of two things - either efficacy by design, or guilt by association.
Whatever is used is something which has gone through a proprietary process so 
as to make results legal for use and/or publication in any media for public 
Your FDA, our TGA, and I would suggest any and all other authoritative bodies 
on this planet do not reference silver dispersed in distilled water *alone*, it 
just isn't legal to do so from my understanding.  Silver and water are both 
natural substances hence cannot be patented and health claims cannot be made 
without it being forced to jump through many hoops first, and that ain't 
happening any time soon.
No health claims can be made unless it's gone through the mill to satisfy the 
establishment set requirements prior to publication!  In other words, 
everything I read in any media report is taken as BS, unless what I read 
satisfies MY requirements!

Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 13:34:42 -0500
From: mdud...@king-cart.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Silver Makes Antibiotics Thousands of Times More Effective - 
Scientific American

    I don't think so.  That would be ionic silver compounds, such as
    silver nitrate.




    On 11/2/2014 2:28 PM, Ron wrote:
      On the other hand they did not actually say colloidal but said : "Collins 
and his team found that silver
        — in the form of dissolved ions". Is that subject to



      On 11/2/2014 2:36 AM, Victor Cozzetto

        Yea, that article is definitely propaganda backed
          by pharmaceutical companies. Trying to highlight antibiotics
          while spreading false fears about silver toxicity and CS
          turning you blue. Well, I am still alive and I am not blue ;-)






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