So r u saying the flu shot caused the illness or just a coincidence?

Good news about the silver tho. 


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> On Nov 15, 2014, at 11:24 AM, "Chris Davies" <> 
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wanted to to post to let people know that it seems probable that ionic 
> silver was able to to substantially help someone with transverse myelitis. 
> ( )
> The person is a 53 year old male who had a routine flu vaccination about two 
> weeks ago. Several days after the shot they began complaining of general 
> malaise and odd twitching in their arms and body. This progressed over the 
> course of two weeks and resulted in loss of bladder and bowel control and 
> just about complete paralysis of his legs.
> The diagnosis of transverse myelitis was confirmed by MRI of his spine. They 
> also took some spinal fluid to check for a specific infection, however, I 
> have not heard any results as of yet.
> He was admitted to hospital and was given cortical steroids and an IV drip of 
> vitamin C (unknown the amount). He remained in the hospital for about two 
> days in this condition until I found out about his illness. My understanding 
> is that vitamin C is not generally administered in hospitals, however, this 
> was a high end Mexican hospital and they apparently have more latitude than 
> in the US or Canada.
> That evening around 11pm I dropped off 1.5 litres of ionic silver, 20ppm made 
> using the SilverLungs machine and a very pure form of water called 
> 'injectable water' that is used to prepare IV's. I instructed his wife to 
> give him a cup of ionic silver ever hour for a few hours in a row.
> The following morning around 6am he was able to stand on his own and over the 
> next day rapidly progressed. He had consumed about 1 litre overnight.
> The doctors told him that he was extremely lucky to recover as he did. They 
> also stated that they had never seen a recovery such as this in their many 
> (20+?) years of practice. Their expectation is that he will be able to walk 
> again on his own.
> The doctors have not yet been told that he was taking ionic silver. I am 
> encouraging them to share this information with their doctors as it may help 
> others.
> He is being discharged today, about 36 hours after he began taking ionic 
> silver. He continues to take it at an unknown dose, but probably 2 to 3 cups 
> per day. I've given them another 4 litres and they have expressed a strong 
> interest in making their own.
> This is of course is a single case and certainly doesn't equal proof that it 
> works, however, given his very rapid turn around after beginning ionic silver 
> (prior to which he was on a continuous downhill slope) and the doctors 
> amazement in is recovery I feel there is a reasonable chance that the ionic 
> silver helped.
> Transverse myelitis is a horrible disease and I hope this story can help 
> others.
> As a disclaimer, I have no financial interest in the company that makes the 
> SilverLungs product. However, I did want to include the product name for the 
> sake of completeness. I'd expect that any decent source of ionic silver would 
> be sufficient.
> Best regards,
> Chris