Hello Everyone,

Since it is quiet, I figured I would throw this topic out there. I have
only seen a couple of people mention the Beck Protocol here, and so I would
like to mention it again. I noticed that it was curiously absent from the
recent discussion of Rife and other energy therapies.

In my experience, and to my knowledge, this is the single most effective
protocol that I know of. It is also the protocol that is responsible for
the famed 'immortal' blood.

CS is one of its four parts, and I have mentioned this protocol before, as
I have seen and experienced its effects.

I would be curious to know if anyone else on this list has any comments,
experience, or curiosity. As far as I know, there is nothing that cannot be
cured by the Beck Protocol, when it is administered properly. And in recent
years video testimonials have been posted here:


I know we have lyme disease sufferers on this list, and you will find tons
of information on the web recommending this protocol as a treatment.
