I just visited the archive and see that my earlier email is not there (yet ??), and there is a response from Ron which points out something that I should clarify as well as one other - so here I'll try to reply to both:

Thanks Ron.

Ron <http://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=silver-list@eskimo.com&q=from:%22Ron%22> Sat, 14 Mar 2015 09:52:24 -0700 <http://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=silver-list@eskimo.com&q=date:20150314>

Very innovating.
I'm concerned that you seem to be treating it like a vitamin instead of a medicinal. I think one does not take a break from using it but rather uses it occasionally.

Not what I meant a'tall.
I found that I was unable to use it for as long as recommended; that was what I meant.

And in reply to someone who appears only as 'gmail':

Thanks. I have an encapsulator. I will try it.

My very, very, very bad !!!
It cannot sit inside capsules as it melts them - so I do them manually & very carefully one at a time just before swallowing them down. (This is a very good use for excess clear capsules I have are otherwise gathering dust because they are quite invisible in the capsule maker...)

Best Wishes to All.


mark wrote:
The 'yuck factor' is rather important when one is unwell and using
things which may be difficult to swallow - this is my opinion based upon my (too-)long experiences.

Having said that - and having gone through the Daniels info carefully -
I got the stuff and tried it...

No way.
Simply not possible for me to chew a sugar cube and swallow that crap -
I've been totaly away from sweeteners for too long - instant gag
response follows.

I did find a way to get the stuff down that worked and will use it every
now and again for a while.

I simply avoid the 'yuck' by using gel caps & a dropper.

Fill the big end with sugar - saturate it with the burpentine -
cover it quickly keeping ALL the stuff inside it - and wash it down
with good water.
3-4 00 caps done that way is about equal to the single cube.

It always goes down fine - burps follow soon after - hence the
deliberate mis-spelling.
No more gagging, no stomach upset at all, but after several weeks using it the bowels do get a bit too loose for my liking, so then it is time to take a break from it for a while.

After more than a decade with zero sugar and such things the ONLY reason
we have some sugar in the house at all is for making kombucha - which I
highly recommend for those who have been ill any length of time and
ESPECIALLY if there has been any pharma poison used.
The trick with kombucha is to be sure that all the sugar is consumed so
that it is not the least bit sweet; this brings all the benefits minus
having to cope with the toxic sugar garbage and how it can harm the body
in so many ways.
