Hi, Patricia.  Tough diagnosis.  Gail has given some good suggestions.  If you 
do try LDN,
your grandson shouldn't take immunosuppressants  that I understand is one of 
the protocolsthat may be used with P'SC patients.  LDN is often used by some 
who have autoimmunediseases or conditions with some success such as those with 
----- Original Message -----
From: Gail Naranjo <wanda85...@yahoo.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tue, 28 Jul 2015 12:20:21 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: CS>CMO and dairy

Hi Patricia,
I would try serrapeptase .  It's suppose to be helpful for inflammation as well 
as scaring.  LDN for is also something you might want to look into.  It's so 
helpful for a multiple of issues.  And lip-c for immunity boost as well as any 
occurring infection.

 On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 7:22 AM, Patricia <pcassi...@tx.rr.com> wrote:

Does anybody have any information about
 PSC  (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis) ?  My grandson has just been
 diagnosed with this.  He will have 
 an MRI tomorrow to determine the exact damage.  Doc says no cure
 and can expect cancer, liver failure and one more .. 
 On 7/27/2015 8:19 PM, Dan Nave wrote:Google Boron or Borax and arthritis.  
Works pretty
 good for many people
Or, use this link:    
<http://www.rexnewnhamarthritiseducation.com/paper.asp>DanOn Fri, Jul 24, 2015 
at 7:01 PM, Smitty
 wrote:I and several friends have had great response
with FlexoPlex for joints.....SmittyOn Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:54
 AM, Patricia <pcassi...@tx.rr.com>
 wrote:i agree Lola. and  Goat products are
 digested so differently from regular cow
 products I don't think it applies   just my
 thought.    Also all the amino acids etc you
 are getting has to be good.
 On 7/24/2015 3:48 PM, Lola Harris wrote:Nancy... maybe the warnings apply to
 commercially prepared milk/dairy products.
 Raw dairy is
 a whole different animal compared to the
 commercial stuff.  Maybe the raw, natural
 dairy doesn'tinterfere with the CMO?   Is your dairy
 raw?   Just thinking out loud.Lola----- Original Message -----
 From: Nancy Winiecki <hemna...@yahoo.com>
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 16:36:52 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject: CS>CMO and dairyI injured my knees on several
 occasions doing heavy yard work,
 especially pulling a cart loaded with
 branches uphill.   For 21 years I have
 been doing heavy digging, mattocking, and
 pulling loads, perhaps I have been wearing
 down the cartilage in my knees.  Anyway
 after the last incident I can't bend my R
 knee but I was using an IR heat lamp and
 magnetic pulser on it and it slowly gets
 better, but I looked on the Silverlist and
 was reminded about CMO for joints, Cetyl
 Myristoleate, and got some so have been
 taking and feel like I improve every day.
  There are always stresses though from
 what yard work I do, I have 2 acres with
 weeding, watering. etc.  One instruction
 on diet with CMO says to avoid dairy, and
 I drink goat milk, goat whey, goat cheese
 and sour cream a lot.  I've been avoiding
 it but wonder if it is necessary, since I
 haven't read this anywhere else.http://www.cmohq.com/page12.htmlHas anyone 
tried this or felt
 they had good results from CMO while
 comsuming dairy?Nancy