You might want to try something like this which is more of a tonic and
immune stimulant than some of the other things suggested which are,
frankly, more like alopathic medicine where you are trying to kill a bug
with silver or essential oil, etc.



On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 9:26 PM, Gmail <> wrote:

> Forgot -tablespoon of my honey every two hours, and himalayan salt sniffer
> frequently.
> The Austrian School outlook is best seen in the response of Ludwig von
> Mises to this question: “Professor Mises, if you were given complete power
> over the economy, what would you do?” His one-word answer defines the
> Austrian School: “Resign.”
> On Mar 26, 2016, at 10:23 PM, Gmail <> wrote:
> Nothing seems to work. Frequent dry cough. No temperature.
> Olive leaf extract, aged garlic extract, vapor rub on neck and chest,
> vitamin c, lobelia, tea tree oil in steam bath, colloidal silver in
> nebulizer, cs in neti pot,- all are being used- not all at once but
> different times of the day for a week. Any suggestions?
> I am in considerable distress. Oximeter reads 93.
> Could possibly be related to concurrent hay fever symptoms?
> Could be environmental? Chemtrails? Tilling the organic garden a week ago?
> Would a hyperbaric chamber help?
> The Austrian School outlook is best seen in the response of Ludwig von
> Mises to this question: “Professor Mises, if you were given complete power
> over the economy, what would you do?” His one-word answer defines the
> Austrian School: “Resign.”