Thanks.  I appreciate your sharing.PT

      From: "" <>
 Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2018 5:37 PM
 Subject: Re: CS>EIS in contact mode
#yiv4145455358 body 
{min-height:100%;color:#000000;font-size:12pt;font-family:times new roman, new 
york, times, serif;}PT... When I was researching CS many moons ago, I think I 
read that most germs/viruseswould be killed by direct contact with CS in 
approx. 10 mins.  I think that was when Iwas reading about spraying meat, fresh 
veggies and fruit with CS.  For the life of me, Ican't find the reference now. 
From some booklets I have on hand on CS....  "In laboratory experiments in 
vitro, he (Henry Crookes, experimenter) used collosol silver,as he called it, 
in concentration of one part in 2000 and found the B.tuberculosis was killedin 
four minutes and Streptococci and other pathogenic organisms were killed in 3 - 
4 minutes."I know of no microbe that is not killed in lab experiments in six 
minutes."f rom 'Colloidal Silver Today' by Warren Jefferson ... page 
 have another booklet 'Colloidal Silver - The Natural Antibiotic Alternative' 
by Zane Baranowski, CN  but I could not locate in my perusal any reference to a 
time that theCS took to work but I might have overlooked it. I may have just 
taken that previous 3 - 6 minutes referenced and extended it to 10 minutes 
justto make sure the CS would work and take care of most germs.Lola ----- 
Original Message -----
From: PT Ferrance <>
To: Mike Devour - Silver List <>
Sent: Sun, 22 Jul 2018 15:59:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CS>EIS in contact mode

Hi, Does anyone know about how long it takes for EIS to kill microbes on 
contact like on counters, dishes when someone is ill, etc.?Thank you.PT