Just to keep mold from growing...thought it might be a good idea.   On 
Saturday, August 25, 2018, 2:54:32 PM EDT, Nenah Sylver 
<nenah12egro...@cox.net> wrote:  
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I’m wondering why you’d want to spray thetomatoes before dehydrating them. I’ve 
dehydrated tomatoes in the past and aslong as they’re kept in an airtight 
container after being dried, they last.
Nenah Sylver, PhD
author, The Rife Handbook
ofFrequency Therapy and Holistic Health
Cannabis products that work, at specialprices:
From: Deborah Gerard[mailto:devorah...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 201811:45 AM
To: Mike Devour - Silver List
Subject: CS>Can I use CS ontomato's in a dehydrator?
I have a bunch oftomato's and am going to dehydrate them in a food hydrating 
device. What areyou thoughts on spraying them with CS before I start?
Thanks much,