Cindyann  Phillips,
Have you been elected to some position that enables you to censor content
on this forum?
You write like one of those people who are so ignorant of facts that they
wear a mask 24 hours a day.  Here is some conspiracy for you;

   1. The mask causes hypercapnia creating  acidosis.  The primary effect
   is anoxia and high blood pressure.  The mask concentrates bacteria making
   you more susceptible to infection.
   2. It is as effective at keeping viron-bearing particles out of your
   body as a chain link fence is at holding back mosquitoes.
   3. No vaccine has ever been proven effective.
   4. No vaccine has ever been proven efficacious.
   5. The alleged virus has not been isolated, and medically does not
   6. The tested vaccines have cause disastrous harm during testing.
   7. The latest research---See Dr. Andrew Kaufman, MIT, MD, PhD,
   Oncologist, Psychiatrist----multiple other leading-edge researchers have
   oveturned the entire paradigm of virions; they are not an infectious agent
   and in fact are beneficial; distributing corrective RNA and DNA to
   the world from threatened cells.
   8. No virus is infectious and none have ever caused a disease, including
   the completely unknown agent called CV-19.
   9. The company Moderna has never made any pharmaceutical before this.
   10. Their proposed vaccine will introduce synthetic DNA into every cell
   in the body, and some researchers say it will cause anyone who takes it to
   get a mild case of Down's Syndrome.
   11. The CDC latest and still probably cooked figures on mortality are:
   9210 fatalities in all America.
   12. There are 328,239,523 people in America.
   13. The pandemic is a fraud and the truth must be told everywhere;
   including here.
   14. It is the greatest crime in the history of the world, and the perps
   are now being brought to justice, world wide.

If you wish to contribute to discussion, please do; your input is welcome
and will be valued by its content.
You have no authority here as thought police  so buzz off in that role.

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
American State National
*http://t <http://t>
h <>ttp://
Black lies matter

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On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 5:21 PM Cyndiann Phillips <>

> Stop posting conspiracy crap to this group.
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 9:55 AM Gmail <> wrote:
>> If you think your thoughts are your own, think again. —Black Mirror