You did not ask if she is a Democrat.

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
American State National
*http://t <http://t>
h <>ttp://
Black lies matter

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On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 6:33 PM Gmail <> wrote:

> I’ve been posting here for over 20 years and have made, sold, and ingested
> more CS
> Than most everyone else.
> I know CS is not the answer to all maladies. I am always ready to hear,
> and share another  new treatment for disease.
> I agree with James that only narrow minded people will not see nor
> comprehend new, or sometimes old protocols.
> I also fail to see how this video is a conspiracy theory.
> Are you a troll or a bot?
> If you think your thoughts are your own, think again. —Black Mirror
> On Oct 18, 2020, at 8:17 PM, in-hue man <> wrote:
> The link i posted is intended for those with sufficient intellegence to
> evaluate to enable them decide a clear course of action based on the
> information it contains and ones previous life experience.
> En-joy
> leo
> On Monday, October 19, 2020, Cyndiann Phillips <> wrote:
>> Stop posting conspiracy crap to this group.
>> On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 9:55 AM Gmail <> wrote:
>>> If you think your thoughts are your own, think again. —Black Mirror