Upward over 400,000 people die yearly from the medical PROFRESSIONALS mistake 
that the brain dead put their soul trust in yet we don't shut them down do 
we??? Masks are sickening, PCR tests are a scam and so are the warp speed 
vaccines. Bill Gates is not a doctor and he is a huge financial contributor to 
the CDC...imagine that coincidence? People today don't know propaganda when 
they see it...if the teLIEvision declares it surely it has to be truth....smh 
God help us.
    On Thursday, February 18, 2021, 05:51:08 PM EST, Neville Munn 
<one.red...@hotmail.com> wrote:  
 #yiv2895938766 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}Fact check:  You are making ME 
sick with your lies as well.  I'm a "Fact Checker", just as qualified and 
credentialled as all the other "Fact Checkers", of whom you DON'T know.
I can't help it if your health is compromised, my health is not compromised, 
but it *is* becoming compromised with your incessant waffle.
You want to remain scared and live in fear, what's left of it, then so be it, 
it's your choice, but don't expect to pass your personal fears onto others.  
Oh, by the way, I am of the 'geriactric' age, and all I can say is..."only dead 
fish go with the flow."
From: Cyndiann Phillips <cyndi...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 19 February 2021 4:21 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: CS>hydroxychloroquine Fact check: Coca cola does not cause 
positive tests. Please stop, you are making people sick with the 

On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 10:50 AM Marshall <mdud...@king-cart.com> wrote:

Not only has flu dropped to almost 0 cases last year, and the number of flu 
cases plus covid 19 cases last year are almost identical to the number of just 
flu cases in the previous years,  but even things like mangos and Coke soda 
have tested positive.
