You posted old links. What is known about covid changes with time, as
science knows more. Delta variant didn't exist when those links came into

Stop being rude and condescending.  Especially when I'm right and you are
wrong. Timeline matters with covid.

On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 4:36 PM Max <> wrote:

> studies show children dont transmit covid very much and they dont die.  A
> majority dont even feel symptoms.  Cyndiann, do research before posting.
> Thanks
> On 8/7/2021 1:10 PM, Cyndiann Phillips wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 1:18 PM Diane Mackey <>
> wrote:
>> What hospitals are filling up with children with Covid?  I'll call them
>> to verify.
>> On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 11:35 AM Cyndiann Phillips <>
>> wrote:
>>> Experimental gene therapy? The Moderna type shot was studied for 30
>>> years before it was used. It's not gene therapy at all.
>>> All Fauci wants is to help people. He is getting death threats for that,
>>> the poor old man. There is no scheme.
>>> Still waiting for real "facts" that the shot should not be taken. Our
>>> hospitals are filling up with children now, this latest variant is way more
>>> contagious and deadly than previous ones and finally, the ones reluctant
>>> are getting their shots.
>>> You science deniers have kept this around way longer than it had to be
>>> here. I'm tired of being housebound because you can't play nice with
>>> others. Do what is right!
>>> On Sat, Aug 7, 2021 at 4:56 AM pal joey <> wrote:
>>>> Cyndiann,  I'm not going to pull any punches here. Based on my
>>>> understanding of the facts, everyone got this injection now has a
>>>> potentially chronic and life threatening condition. I'll just say, that
>>>> your time would be better spent researching tools to counter that
>>>> condition. Even if you're lucky, and don't have problems,  you're very
>>>> likely going to know others who do.        I want to be wrong. I sincerely
>>>> hope I am. And if I'm wrong,  we can have a good laugh at my expense in a
>>>> couple years. I would prefer that to the scene that we see unfolding.
>>>>          No one can go wrong with learning how to help themselves and
>>>> others, even if its never needed.  We're all here trying to learn to take
>>>> care of ourselves, and most of us don't believe that experimental gene
>>>> therapy is the way to go, no matter what. We don't feel an overwhelming
>>>> threat from this "virus". Most of us have an arsenal of tools to deal with
>>>> this, going back -decades. I made a conscious effort years ago, not to let
>>>> people like fauci and the rest, manage my Healthcare. That is never going
>>>> to happen.  And I see through their scheme as well, which is to make
>>>> everyone their chronic outpatient; something they have been working on for
>>>> decades.