There has been a lot of discussion on lyme on both the CS and Rife chat
lists.  Check both archives and you will find lots of info.  Also you
might, if you haven't already, joined Mr. Tracy's list and check the
archives.  Lots more info.  Alternative is so much better.  Frances

Katie Jay wrote:
> Hi. I have just begun studying CS and am grateful to find this list. I was
> recently diagnosed with Lyme Disease, candida, CFIDS, liver toxicity,
> mycoplasma, hypothyroidism, depression and more. I also have Type II
> diabetes. My alternative doctor wants me to take 400mg of doxycycline per
> day for 30 days to battle the lyme, but I'm worried about my toxic liver. I
> want to take CS and collostrum, and do parasite and liver cleanses, and also
> use a zapper (Is the zapper overkill if I'm already using CS?).
> If I don't take the antibiotics, am I putting myself at risk for life-long
> lyme? I don't even know how long I've had it. If the lyme is pretty new, can
> the CS knock it out the way antibiotics supposedly do?
> Thanks for any help. I hope I'm on topic, I am brand new to the list.
> Katie
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