> Hi,
> >     I am new here & hope that ya'll don't mind if I join ya'll "deep
> the lunatic fringe". I use many old home remedies, have some pretty
> unconventional opinions & raise hairless cats, so most people believe I am
> already there anyway :-).
>     I have just begun to read about CS & am most interested in it. My
> health is what led me to this research, but I am even more enthused to
> that I may be able to also use it for the rest of my family.
>     I hope ya'll don't mind that I will mostly lurk & learn, & then ask a
> million questions maybe. Thank you for letting me join you.
>  Nina  C.

Dear Nina, Hi!
Marsha here, an oldie from awayback...I use CS for me, my birds, and 2
elderly Pug dogs. Amazing stuff...
Can`t have cats, they make me sneeze. Wonder if your naked cats would??
(Now if they can come up with cats that don`t scratch me or the furniture,
or spray nasty stuff all over...)
Sorry, just bein` silly! :o)
Anyway, welcome to the List, and I hope someone has something useful for
Marsha, (a Pugmom for 35 years...)

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