----- Original Message -----
From: "Henry Reed" <pj20...@home.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Hello

> I read somewhere that it is the dander from cats that cause allergies in
> some.  A bath once a week practically eliminates dander so now everyone
> who has always wanted a cat can have one and have no sneezies or runny
> nose, etc.   pj

Hi PJ,

    I would have to debate that a once a week bath would be enough to
eliminate the allergy causing dander with a cat. It might help, & with a
hairless a daily wipe down does help, but for a real dander allergy sufferer
I don't believe it'd be enough. I am very firm in explaining this to allergy
sufferers when they inquire about our cats & are under the belief that they
won't react badly. If the allergy is to hair, we have the answer here. If
the allergy is to dander, a protein in the cat's saliva that dries & flakes
off into the air from them grooming, you will still be allergic to any cat.
Regular bathing might help, but I'd be real careful if the allergies are

    Being new to the list I want to ask everyone's forgiveness if I am off
topic in responding to post in reference to the cats. I will minimize any
reference to them in my posts, but hope that it is okay if I respond to
posts about them with an answer that I will try to make short & to the
point. I love visiting about them, but realize that this isn't a cat list. I
don't know yet how far ya'll wander from CS, but will try to remain within
list limits always.

 Nina  C.

  Nina L. Chew & Julie H. Martin
      Wavorgonaked Cattery
Hairless Cats of the 21st Century
   Sphynx & Russian Peterbald

God made the cat in order that man might have the pleasure of caressing the
 - Fernand Mery

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