oops- it has already been forwarded...never mind....

Also, the cilantro pesto chelation recipe...I'll forward it along if you want it...

>Bluesman, there was thread going around here a couple months ago with a
>recipe for heavy metal removal; I'll try to repeat from memory. I made
>it and ate it for awhile, but didn't get tested, however, it has at
>least 2 good things in it for the liver, which in combination are said
>to detox, and stimulate assimulation of food, and they are lemons and
>olive oil.
> I make a drink and have a glass each day of:
> 1 whole lemon w/peel and all
> 3/4 olive oil
> enough water to finish filling blender
> Blend
> Drain liquid and throw away pulp
> The pectin in the lemon peel "cuts" thru the olive oil and makes almost
>like water, easier for the liver to assimilate.
> The oil is good for the liver
> The lemon juice detoxes and stimulates the liver.
> -----------------------------
> The heavy metal removal formula was, I think
> Lemon juice
> olive oil
> Coriander
> Almonds
> This is blended to make a paste (pesto)
> A couple tablespoons a day.
> I can't find the exact recipe but hopefully someone will correct me.
> You might want to check out oxyp...@yahoogroups.com there are several
>people, and myself looking to treat Hepatitis with some oxygen
> We'll be talking more about it in the next couple weeks .....
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