Evening Jason,

You message indicated you have done some thinking and that you are a logical thinking person,
and a great writer.

I read it twice.  <grin>  Not all messages deserves that !

>>I know that some writers suggest a limited use simply because they have no certainty about whether long term use is truly safe, and they are simply attempting to be socially responsible.

I suspect that these writer know nothing about CS and have used it very little.

The "three weeks" cycle must be a derative of this. Keep in mind that in natural medicine, practitioners often try to work with the following body cycles:

CS violates all the rules that exist in any rule book. Please don't try to apply them to this super-natural

4 times daily: The "insulin" cycle, regulating protein/fat/sugar balance. ( three times daily if concentrations of substances ingested are particulary potent, like drugs ) 2 times daily: The metabolic cycle - The daily active and passive state ( ie vitamins in the morning, minerals at night ). 72 hour cycle: Many substances take about 72 hours to build up in the body... Many substances take about 72 hours to be eliminated as well.
21 day cycle:  Often considered the "monthly" cycle
In most cases, CS does its work without re guard to race, color, creed, national origin,or religious beliefs. While the cycles are interesting, I don't think CS will wait that long before it does all it is going to do.

>> I think often times, these things show up primarily due to uncertainty, and that fact that sellers must put >> SOME type of instructions for use!

Many items in the world do not come with instruction books. One is expected to know how to use them before he makes the move. Heck.... the whole world is filled with uncertainty. However, the effect of CS is not nearly as uncertain as most other things.

>>However, the real tough infections can take one month of continuous use to start to see any benefit ( taken from several private well-documented experiences on tough viral conditions ).

Fortunately, I have never had one of these in my whole life. As long as I take CS regularly, along with all the other boosters, I don't think I will. Unless.... heaven forbid, some biological agent comes along and gets me. When that happens, I will turn blue for sure because I will be drinking a gallon or two per day.

The wisest cycle to use that I have found, if one is simply trying to improve general health, is: 3 days on, four days off, four days on, three days off.

I do that too at times, when I get so busy working I forget to take the daily dose. Now I have started keeping a bottle or two in my truck. That way, when I forget, I can get a swig or two as I am driving. Plus, for the cuts, scratches, and minor things that happen, I have it there when I need it.

I work in some places that are so dirty and filled with disease, as soon as I come out, I drink 8 oz right then.

  Welcome to the list !

  We have some relatively ornery and plain spoken people on here.

  Keep us posted of your success and experiments with CS.


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