Seems it's just too easy to take as much CS as you feel like when you
think about it and it's 'there' and allow forgetfulness to regulate the
"off" periods?

At 06:30 PM 12/21/01 -0800, you wrote: 
I work in some places that are so dirty and filled with disease, as soon 
as I come out, I drink 8 oz right then.
** Wayne,
Shooting down 8 oz. in one day ~~ you MUST be making your own CS. Is anyone
on the list NOT making their own? Am I the only mutineer, scaredy cat? 
You don't seem to be concerned about the amount you take in. I guess my 2
years of on/off research hasn't taught me much. All I learned was, "take it
Sigh! so much to learn, so little time.


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