Dear Kathryn,
Here`s my story!

** Marshalee,
WoW!! Awesome, yet scary story. 
Even though I'm not the one intended for your story, thanks for sharing it!! 
Doctors definitely are frustrating when they start shutting down and not 
listening to their patients! I recently (about a year ago) changed docs, but I 
have to drive almost 3 hours to see him. I'm hoping for no emergencies.**

I`m currently a returned student at Brigham Young University at age 49. I took 
a short break (29 years!) to raise 4 kids. 

**You go girl!!!
I Graduated this past spring after taking a 27year break to raise 2 kids. well, 
if you count my husband, the count goes up by one. I beat you though, I'm ~~ 
uhhhh ~~ older than 50.
