At 12:02 AM 12/30/01 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi, I am new at this and request your comments as to "what's wrong with
>this" from you experienced CS makers.
>3 new 9V batteries snapped together to form 27V.
>12GA .9999 silver wire
>local drugstore distilled water
>I suspended the 6" electrodes 1" or so apart using a small mouth 32oz
>canning jar.  I got the water hot.  I see plumes of brownish colored wispy
>clouds forming within 5 minutes off the positive electrode with the negative
>electrode forming bubbles.
>Is this too fast? 
###Yes, too fast. A white cloud should be the max..better yet, no visible
cloud at all.
>Can this method produce clear CS?
###  Probably not
>If "yellow" CS is pure hype are the CS generators sold by the same people
>pure hype as well?
## Not exactly. Even yellow CS contains many small particles of the clear
variety and maybe the yellow ones aren't too large to work.
 Yellow isn't 'bad' it just could be better.
>Rich Adams
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