Hi Rich,

Careless reading! The pure hype is that yellow is best not that yellow does not

One can get yellow many ways, i.e. just a trace of soap or detergent will make
the CS go yellow. Brewing to long or at too high of a current density, or nor
not stirring.

You do not need to use hot water. Idon't know where that "old wive's tale" came
from but junk it.

I have duplicated every protocol that the listees have come up with in the last
four years, (hundrerds of data logged tests)
and the measured the ionic ppm with my spectrophotometer.

Other people have reported browish clouds forming but I have never seen them.
May be because I have never used heated water. One does not need that speed-up.
It has been reported that microwaved water has some strange characteristics.

I would suggest that you put a current meter in one line and turn off the
voltage when the current reachs about 3 ma.
Also move the electrodes out to about 2 1/2" spacing and add constant stirring
to elminate agglomeration. Air bubble is a poor substitue for stirring as the
action between the electerodes is tooweak.

Yes three 9v Batteriesmakes good CS if you w\follow the proper rules.

"Ole Bob"

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