Sound like a nice unit.
Thanks Trem.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Trem []
> Sent: Monday, 21 January 2002 7:27 a.m.
> To: *Silver-List* (E-mail)
> Subject: RE: CS>Polarity Switch Experiment
> Hi Ivan,
> I don't have any reference point because we never did run the units
> un-switched.  The electrodes are only 3/8" or so apart and
> are corrugated
> for rigidity. I needed a way to either clean them manually or
> have them be
> self cleaning.  I didn't think users would be very handy at
> cleaning them
> without damaging them, so, reversing current was my only
> option.   I used
> close spacing to have a high gradient in the water which
> would force the
> process to start quickly using startup voltages around 70
> volts.  Everything was a tradeoff.
> We are running about twice the current density on the
> switching unit as
> compared to the un-switched one but they both seem to make
> the same ratio
> of ionic to particulate silver.  Am using about 15 times the
> surface area
> of silver on the switched unit compared to the un-switched
> one.  Beats me
> why they have the same ratio......maybe when one is using
> very low current
> density it just works out that way.  With 4 electrodes 1.5" X
> 5" wetted
> depth connected in parallel sets so that cathodes and anodes
> are always
> sandwiched between 2 electrodes (except for 1 end electrode)
> we run 30
> ma.  I'm having a tough time explaining electrode
> configuration here...hope
> you understand my meaning.
> Your explanation of the sag we experience after each reversal
> sounds good
> to me.  With good water flow between electrodes it is minimized
> however.  We use a submergible pump to keep it all in motion
> so there isn't
> an area of stagnant ions between electrodes that has to be turned
> around.  They are all in continuous motion.
> Trem

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