There must have been more to it that just that, like maybe, he was under
contract with Monsanto on some portion  of his property and violated some
clause in that contract?..or he really did rip off something or did use
second generation Monsanto seeds and used a plausable excuse to hide it?
People do lie in court ya know.
 As Paul Harvey says, what's the rest of the story?
 Obviously, farmers breaching contracts must be a protection problem for
Monsanto or they would not have bothered developing the terminator. If it
was terminator pollen and it does render seeds sterile, the farmer wouldn't
have a crop to get sued over.
 Don't get me wrong here, I don't like Monsantos products or tactics
either, but there's something fishy about that story. If that actually did
happen as stated, it would be pretty wide spread. Pollen does not lend
itself to control and Monsanto does not have a seed monopoly [yet].  Are
there other stories like it?

At 12:01 AM 4/24/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Actually there are problems even with that.  In Canada a farmer was sued
because he was using his own seeds, and some of Monsanto's pollen from
another farm blew in, so his crop was a hybrid with Monsanto's genes in it.
They tested it, found some of their patented genes, sued and won!
>Also through cross pollination his crop could produce seeds that are
sterile, forcing him to purchase the seeds later.
>Ode Coyote wrote:
>>      Reqardless of what Monsanto might be selling, the farmer does not
have to buy it. He can plant any seeds he wants to.
>>      Ken
>>      How about this one. Just a handful of companies can control the
food supply of the world, and the ultimate pricing of such. Using
"terminator technology", all seeds produced by the plants are sterile.
Therefore, the farmer MUST buy new seeds every year, at the going price,
which is decided by a small handful of companies. Want to see the ultimate
in greed and power? There it is. No one eats unless they can pay your price.
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