Hey, Chuck;

To lower blood pressure naturally you can use amino acids l-lysine and
l-proline with hi-dose vitamin C, Linus Pauling style. He advocated
b-complex (take it with folate) as well.

Well, l-arginine is very important to the heart muscle. L-arginine breaks
down to form l-proline, and the mix I was discussing earlier (Somalife gHP)
for growth hormone releasing, contains l-arginine, l-lysine, l-ornithine,
and a few other aminos for synergy. People are finding their blood pressure
is lowered when they're on this program. The earlier, simpler blend it's
patterned after, is posted on: http://www.lef.org/growthc.html with enough
info to try your hand at blending it yourself.

How it works is the aminos help rebuild the scarred artery walls found in
atherosclerosis into younger, more flexible tissue, and the flexibility
naturally reduces your blood pressure. Works on the heart muscle too, and in
fact, all the organs and muscles. Take the aminos with cod liver oil;
omega-3  EFAs also promote flexible tissues.

In clinical studies therapy results have included the following :

Younger skin
Wrinkle removal
Improved vision
Enhanced memory and mood elevation
Higher energy level
Greater capacity for exercise
Heightened sexuality
Improved sleep
Lowered blood pressure
Improved cholesterol profiles
Improved cardiac capacity
Restoration of vital organs that have shrunk with age
Stronger bones with increased bone mass
Elimination of cellulite
Faster tissue repair and healing of injuries
Restoration of immune system

Here's more, using Dr. Chein's clinical trials. To be perfectly accurate,
Dr. Chein also montiored and adjusted sex hormone levels. You can do that
with pregnenolone and DHEA. The following is a summary of results from
clients who received HGH replacement therapy in Dr. Chein's clinic, prepared
in conjunction with his associate Dr. L. Cass Terry, chairman of neurology
at the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.

Effects of HGH Therapy          Percent of patients reporting improvement

Enhanced muscle strength         88%
Higher energy levels                 84%
Lengthened exercise endurance 83%
Expanded exercise tolerance     81%
Increased muscle mass             81%
Improved overall sense of well being 78%
Improved libido/potency            75%
Improved immune functions        73%
Decreased body fat without diet 72%
Firmer skin tone and texture
(Natural face lift as early as 3 months) 71%
Expanded healing capacity         71%
Renewed skin thickness             68%
Revived emotional stability         67%
Strengthened memory                 62%
Longer duration of penile erection 62%
Faster healing of injuries             61%
Reduced hot flashes                     58%
Decreased frequency of nighttime urination 57%
Renewed healing of old injuries     55%
Increased back flexibility              53%
Diminished wrinkles                     51%
Menstrual cycle regulation             39%
Improved men's hair growth         38%

Duncan Crow
SomaLife gHP anti-aging supplement is patented to increase growth hormones,
safely, with no side effects. HGH makes supplements go where they should;
you recover quickly, gain endurance and muscle tone and feel young again!!
See the 21-minute TV news video from ABC News and FOX TV News that
features HGH human growth hormone therapy on http://MySmart.Biz
Go to 'join' and enter passcode 371 to see my official SomaLife pages.

----- Original Message -----
From: <cking...@nycap.rr.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 8:01 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Some info please?

| Gary,
| is chiropactory helpful for high blood pressure?
| I've already found out that accupuncture is not.
| Chuck
| My grandmother started walking five miles a day when she
|     was 60. She's 97 now and we don't know where the hell she is.
| On Fri, 3 May 2002 09:12:55 +0800, Gary Green <lim...@pc.jaring.my> wrote:
| >As I've said here before, I'm a Chiropractor with a sound scientific
| >base to draw on.  I didn't take the "short-cut" route when it came to my
| >"pre-med" studies either.  I took the full courses in university AND an
| >additional year for mathematics and other things that interested me.
| >The real world has rules that can't be broken.  However I accept that
| >there are some rules that haven't been discovered yet.
| --
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