This may be of interest....Once again the question of DW leaching
Minerals is being  presented as fact by a very widely read medical Guru
[see Dr. Mercola's [sp] comments. Sure would like to see the studies
backing up point blank statements of FACT!! One of the folks on this
list made the point that the body system is to sophisticated to allow
this to happen...not much chance of "knowing" without some science or
clinical studies,..even then it's hard to KNOW.. epistemology is
interesting ,I think. Anyway.. if you will. see below.
 Finally, Physical Proof that Distilled Water is Inferior E-mail to a
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a visionary researcher from Japan received
certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of
Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of
micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis
technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water. He
undertook extensive research of water around the planet not so much as a
scientific researcher but more from the perspective of an original
thinker. At length he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form
that water showed us its true nature. 
Distilled WaterWater from a pure source 
Dr Emoto began by studying the crystallization process of water It all
started in 1994 when he took samples of water from various sources,
froze a few droplets, examined them under a dark field microscope and
photographed them. He photographed the crystal formations produced by
water as it passes from liquid into freezing state. It is like taking a
snapshot of the water at that moment in time. He quickly realized that
the crystals that formed from water depended highly on the natural
health of the water. In other words, water from natural springs, healing
water sources etc, formed beautiful and complex crystalline geometries -
like snowflakes. 
Water that had been distilled, polluted or passed through consumption
had lost its inner order. This leads to the realization that natural
healthy water carries an 'inner order' defining its nature and
Dr. Masaru EmotoArticle compiled from 3 Web sites: 
CoCreach Resources
The Spirit of Maat
E-mail to a friend 
In April I attended the SkaSys lecture by Dr. Hans Lechner. This amazing
technology allows one to successfully harness consciousness as a
diagnostic and therapeutic tool. 
Dr. Lechner shared detailed of his recent meeting with Dr. Emoto and it
became clear that this technology could clearly demonstrate the danger
of distilled water at a clear and easily seen level. Although it is
controversial I am firmly convinced that distilled water is harmful to
your health. 
One of the major foundational reasons is that distilled water is highly
acidic. Most of us are far too acidic already and the last thing we need
to be drinking is a fluid that will make us even more acidic. Distilled
water is alleged to be beneficial due to its lack of contaminants. Well,
many of the devices that distill water are made of metal and will
actually add certain toxic metals like nickel back to the water, which
actually worsens health. 
Since distilled water is like a vacuum without any minerals, it will
actually leach beneficial minerals from your body to balance it out.
While this maybe beneficial for a short period during some sort of
detoxification regimen, this is usually highly counter productive in the
long run. 
Then there is the physics of the water. Water is structured and when it
is distilled the structure becomes profoundly disturbed as you can see
by the pictures above. 
It is possible to restructure the water by putting it in a clear glass
container, adding a few minerals and leaving it out in the sunshine for
a day. This will help to restore the normal beneficial structure that
water should have to promote health. 
I believe it was the Asians who popularized the saying that one picture
is worth a thousand words, so please enjoy the pictures which will help
you appreciate the difference between natural spring water and distilled
Related Articles: 
Visual Evidence of the Power of Prayer, Gratitude and Appreciation
Return to Table of Contents #322 

larry tankersley; Gainesville,Florida USA

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