Gary Green wrote:

> On Saturday, May 11, 2002, at 05:12 AM, larry tankersley wrote:
> > In April I attended the SkaSys lecture by Dr. Hans Lechner. This amazing
> > technology allows one to successfully harness consciousness as a
> > diagnostic and therapeutic tool.
> After reading this sentence I think anyone with two grey cells to rub
> together will hit the delete button.  No credibility what so ever.

What are you saying?  That consciousness can not be a diagnostic or
therapeutic tool?  Are you saying that doctors have no conciousness?  They may
be wrong a lot, but the are also right quite often, and they do diagnosis when
awake normally.

There are many examples of conciousness being a diagnostic tool. Everything
from doctors knowing how to diagnose and interpret their instruments, to
muscle testing, Clarks' diagnostic machine, dreaming what a problem is and
dowsing.  All can be very good diagnostic tools.  Without them nothing would
ever get diagnosed.

Same for therapeutic tools.  Although less often used, it can be quite
powerful.  Everything from cancer patients visualizing their cancers
shrinking, people taking a placebo and getting cured, to Reiki, to Christian
Healing to prayer is using conciousness as a therapeutic tool. The mind is
very powerful, and it can cure just as well as make you sick.


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