this is just a update, two years ago I wrote about my sister having lung
cancer in both lungs and was told by the doctors she was in stage 4 and
would not make it but a few weeks, they did not offer any treatment, she
started on the cs water and after doing better for 6 weeks they offered her
treatment, she is still here and just became a grandmother  her daughter had
a baby boy, thanks to James who I purchased my machine from and for the
words of encouragement something of which the doctors had none, the second
doctor told her she had already lived two years longer then she should have,
she is still doing great ,  then last year I wrote and asked about brown rot
that was all over our plums for the last 3 years and they where just getting
worst every year, we mixed cs in the water tank and sprayed the trees and
this year no brown rot,,,, not even one tree,,, so again thanks for the info
and the help
----- Original Message -----
From: "Marshall Dudley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Thank you all for your replies - I am very grateful,will get
back when feel up to reading them all.

> Even though I am a supplier of ready made CS, I have giving this same
advice to others with Lyme.  It can take lots, and if you run out for a few
days, you are right back where you
> started.
> Marshall
> Ode Coyote wrote:
> > It won't be very long before you've spent the price of a good generator
on ready made CS no matter where you buy matter how good it is.
> > Treating lyme takes a LOT of CS over a fairly long period of time.
> > You just can't beat a dollar per gallon. It costs more than that to ship
the water.
> > ken
> >
> > At 05:28 AM 9/25/02 +0100, you wrote:
> > >>>>
> >
> >      Hello All,
> >
> >      I will read all your replies soon.
> >
> >      I want to get a ready made solution and need to know about a good
one. Apparently there are lots of bad ones and I have very little money
left. I live alone and on disability.
> >
> >      Does anyone know of a GOOD solution from a reputable supplier ?
> >
> >      Many thanks again - I am so depserate to start one something to
relieve this misery.
> >
> >      All the best to you all and thanks.
> >
> >      Kevin
> >
> > <<<<
> >
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