Wow! Those sound like some loaded questions.

>1. Is this patent legit?

I believe I did read the actual patent at the patent office's website.

>2. Ok, so it works for HIV. What about Lyme Disease?

No one knows that for sure. They are experimental devices, so you need to 

>3. If it kills Lyme and other infections past the contact point, how long
will it take a Bob Beck units to really kill of these infections out of a
human body? Including Lyme?

That's like asking if I take vitamin c how long will it take to clear up my 
cold. No one knows that either. Again, it's experimental

>I have a Beck Zapper, and a Beck Pulser. And I have Lyme. How long do I
>have to use it before I am cleared of Lyme? 

See above. 


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