Ode Coyote wrote:

> Oxygen in a low voltage device does indeed form silver oxides, but they
> stay on the electrode. Not sure what happens to them in submerged electrode
> HVAC. Is silver oxide a problem anyway?

Silver oxide does not form. Hydrogen is much more active than silver, and AC
causes both to be generated at the electrode.  Thus they immediately combine
with each other returning to water.

>  Nitrogen compounds are only a problem in high voltage exposed arc
> unblanketed generators.


>  All generators  produce ionic silver.

I believe that ions are what always leave the silver, and aggregate into the
particles shortly thereafter.  My guess is that basically ions form, and if the
area just around the electrode exceeds the maximum ionic silver that can
dissolve (12 or 13 ppm is it not?), they immediately aggregate.  Thus if you
stir while making it, the ionic will increase and the particle size will
decrease.  If you stire rapid enough, and the ppm does not exceed 12 or so ppm,
it could be made almost totally ionic.  This maximum is also affected by
temperature of course.

> The only real difference is how large the particles get that form from the
> ions.
>  There are various methods in the LVDC and HVAC  methods that can limit
> that at least as well as Sovereign Silver.
>  The question is, which results from what did they use and which did they
> not test?
>  I seriously doubt that there ARE 75 different "types" of electrocolloidal
> [Bredig sol] silver. [which is what generators of all stripes attempt to
> make unless they purposefully add contaminants]
>  Did he mean 'brands'? Did he mean 'types' of 'preparations'?

I have no idea what they mean by type. Size, shape, zeta?  Since size, shape
and zeta can form a continuium between the different ones, there could be an
infinite number of types if you use this criteria. (actually we are limited by
the discrete charges and atoms, but there would still be lots more than 75).

> If you direct your attention with purpose, you can get tests and statistics
> to say anything you want.
>  If you don't define your terms, you don't even need the statistics to say
> anything you want.
>  Better to ask someone who doesn't make it and doesn't know who did, what
> it is.
> Ken
> At 12:25 PM 10/30/02 -0800, you wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >
> >I recently talked with the president of Sovereign
> >Silver, and we had a lenghtly conversation concerning
> >his product versas all the rest out there.  First I
> >talked with him about Mild silver protein, and was
> >informed, even though i have been having good results
> >using it for a week, that long term use would more
> >than likely lead to a build up in  your tissues
> >causing the coloring agyria.  2nd I also addressed the
> >issue, an I am sure many on here will disagree, that
> >their product is 10-40 times better than most
> >home-made collodial silver products that manly use the
> >constant current generators, due to the larger
> >particle size and the fact that AIR is contaminating
> >your process when you make it in a bottle.  He
> >informed me that they use water that is made in the
> >lab, under a special high purity process, and then the
> >water is covered with argon gas, to elimate any
> >reactions such as silver oxides that might be produced
> >from being exposed to Co2, O2, N2 etc.  He told me
> >they have compared there product to about 75 other
> >types of colloidal silver and NONE of them stood up to
> >theres, based on test results with variuos pathogens,
> >at various levels of ppm.  I did suggest however that
> >it doesnt neccesarrily mean that constant current
> >devices are harmful in any way, and that you do get a
> >product produced even though it has silver oxides and
> >and a larger particle size, and is a much less
> >inferior product, one could still use ift for extreme
> >cases such as food posinioing or external
> >applications.  I also addressed the issue with the
> >silver-100 product that uses binding agents to the
> >silver ions.  There response was that this binding
> >process lowers the energetic energy level of the
> >silver ion, thus making it less effective and that the
> >ph of this complex is acidic and does not match the ph
> >of the human body like their product does.  Thus the
> >body must first convert this silver-100 complex into
> >something else which has not been thourghly tested,
> >and at a different ph which is accceptable to the
> >body.  My response was that I have had 100% results
> >using silver-100 spray as an external applicant for
> >killing herpes, yeasts, etc.(this is my own testimony
> >with the product).  So the jist of it is that there is
> >no other product in the world that has a smaller
> >particle size  than .0006 mircons and anything smaller
> >would be impossible due to the size of the silver
> >atom(ion?) itself, not sure which one he stated.  The
> >catch of course is you are paying about 30 bucks for a
> >4 oz bottle. where as if you make it yourself using a
> >constant current genertor such a SG6 you can make a
> >lot more at about the same ppm, BUT WITH ADDED CRAP
> >from the reactions with the silver and the air, and
> >are not getting an effeciantly sized silver ion to be
> >able to penetrate the cell membrane.  However other
> >scientist  have told me that the silver ion cannot
> >penetrate the cell wall, so I am not sure if this is
> >totally proven to be true or not.
> >
> >Anyone who you like to support these findings or fight
> >it please post!
> >
> >
> >Sincerly
> >Corbin
> >
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> >
> >--
> >The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> >Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
> >
> >To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
> >
> >Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
> >
> >List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@eskimo.com>
> >
> >