Dear Brooks,

I was generalizing without enough data. That was the reason for my post, to 
acquire more data. Also, I don't believe I was "dismissing the effectivity 
(new word) of colloidal silver as a protocol against pathogenic viruses".

I would assume that many of the people on this list believe that CS has some 
powerful properties or they wouldn't be here, myself included (unless of 
course they were motivated by profit). My question was why hasn't someone 
like yourself published their findings in a medical or scientific journal. 
Perhaps you have, and my search engines haven't found them yet. Specifically, 
I was interested in medical trials that measured the viral load of several 
subjects over time as CS was administered. So far, all I have been able to 
find is testimonial.

I mentioned PCR testing because replicating the virus is the only way to 
measure the viral load of HIV, hepatitis and other hard to detect viruses.

Thank you for your assistance.
Respectfully yours,
Andy Scott

From: Brooks Bradley <>
Subject: Re: CS>Virus Comment

                    Dear Sir,
                I believe you may be generalizing with too few summarily dismissing the effectivity of colloidal silver as a
protocol against pathogenic viruses.
                We have, during the immediately past ten years,
conducted over 60 investigative, direct research and protocol
development programs......majority of which addressed viral agents.  Our
results have, almost universally, yielded effective colloidal silver
address/protocols to the parent and companion pathogens..... which we
were investigating.  I have no desire to engage in a dialogue over the
mechanisim of address of CS....for controlling the replication sequence
of viral agents....but will suggest you employ the use of any reliable
search engine in an effort to gain such information.  Additionally, a
reference to the existing Silver-List archives should yield useful
information (at least I believe so).
                Please do not receive these comments as being
adversarial in nature.  They are meant to be of assistance....only.
                                Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley. wrote:

> From: Heidrun Beer <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>West Nile Virus
> <snip>
> I thought the C/S is killing bacteria? Is it effective against
> viruses too?

Not to the best of my knowledge. CS seems to eliminate the side effects
of bacteria that are caused by viruses (such as bronchitis or pneumonia)
but not the virus itself. I think a guy named Robert O Becker claimed
that CS killed 650 different pathogens in his book "The Body Electric".
Were they viruses, bacteria or just his best guess? He didn't say. This
may have caused a lot of confusion.

I would like to submit the idea that people who take CS and don't get
colds (myself included) still get the virus, they just don't know it.
The CS kills the bacteria caused by the virus. There are no bacteria
fighting the white blood cells and putting toxins in the lymphatic
system causing a herx syndrome (fever, muscle ache, headache, etc).

I have seen lots of testimonials about what CS can do, but I haven't
seen any real studies that show that it lowers or eliminates PCR viral
loads. Bleach will kill viruses in a petrie dish but what is that worth?