Below is a cut and paste from another message.  It should point you in the 
right direction.  I know from my own experience that the terminator zapper does 
work.  I feel combined with colloidal silver and GSE that it can be a potent 
attack against almost any pathogen.  However whatever you are trying to 
accomplish, collidal silver should be taken at least 2x times daily.  Sometimes 
a zapper will kill a larger parasite and when that dies it releases a lot of 
additional parasites (bacteria, fungus or viruses) from inside it.  If these 
aren't killed or you stop zapping you can run into problems.  Attacking it with 
CS is a great way to hit it from another angle and kill these additional 
pathogens.  Grapefruit seed extract consumption also adds another dimension of 
attack as it is another strong anti-microbial.  I started the terminator to try 
to stop getting cold sores.  Believe it or not, I haven't had one since I 
started using the terminator zapper almost 2 1/2 months ago!!!
(see info below)

Below are some links to some useful information.  Basically it is a device that 
uses an electrical current to kill pathogens (bacteria, virus and fungus).  It 
is pretty simple stuff and I feel it works.  There are a lot of zappers out 
there, but I like the terminator because it is small and easy to use.  I use it 
in my sock at work and/or I strap it to my inner arm or inner leg when I sleep. 
<> <> 
<> <>\ 

Some of the information talks about orgone, which is a little bit above our 
discussion here.  Because frankly I can't explain it well.  But the I got this 
model zapper b/c it is more convenient to use.  It also uses a 15kHZ frequency 
which they say penetrates better than the standard 30kHZ.  If you do a search 
for Hulda Clark zappers you will find a ton of info.  The terminator is based 
on the original zapper design and I think it is better b/c it is easier to use.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Robb Allen [] 
        Sent: Wed 10/22/2003 12:29 AM 
        Subject: CS>Terminator Zappers
        Hi.....I've been reading alot about these zappers......about the Mobius 
coils..?.....and the orgone generator..?.........what the heck are these people believe this stuff?.........someone please explain what 
these things are....thanks.....Robb
