Hi Matthew:

Thanks for posting those links by the way!

I don't have any experience with manganese, but it is certainly a fascinating 

Keep in mind that Manganese has been cited as being tumerogenic and a mutagen, 
but only at doses that far exceed what I'd expect we'd use in isolated form.


I see products for sale on the market in the 100 + PPM range, that claim to be 
a "pure" product, but I imagine it would be the same with manganese as CS:  
We're not going to find a quality nor stable isolated product that isn't really 
a compound of some sort.

Perhaps someone else on the list has some experience!

Best Regards,


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matthew McCann PE 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2003 6:42 PM
  Subject: CS>Mouth infections

  Good evening, Jason.

  I was just reading the re-print
  of Albert Searle's (1920) text,
  The Use Of Colloids In Health
  And Disease. Searle of course
  gives strong recomendation for
  the use of colloidal silver.

  But I was struck by Searle's
  discussion of colloidal manganese
  beginning on page 90 of his book.
  If I am reading Searle's account
  correctly, he endorses colloidal
  manganese more than colloidal
  silver for the treatment of deep

  I don't know of any discussions of
  manganese colloid on this List, and
  the pro's and con's of using it.
  Would you happen to know how it
  compares to CS, from today's

  Thank you in advance for any assistance
  you can give on this question!

  Best regards,


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