Remember no question is dumb.

I was wondering if putting CS in a free standing birdbath (non circulating
water) would harm the birds?  However, more importantly would the CS kill
the mosquito larvae?  We have a pond and I know the fish will take care of
the mosquito larvae, but not certain about other standing water.  Thanks for
any help I receive on this matter.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christine Carleton" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 3:25 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Malaria questions

> This is not CS information, thus you may want to DELETE now.
> The following is dealing with Malaria from other perspectives.
> > I inherently mistrust blanket statements like that, but after lurking
> > years on this list I know that those particular blanket statements are
> > begging to be examined...any light to be shed?
> Heather,
> If your Mom would like to know how to 'tap-out' ANY virus, bacteria, or
> other 'mysterious' discomfort (yes even the very nasty ones - some of
> which evoke fear as we hear about them on TV) then I would suggest your
> Mom take basic BodyTalk levels 1 & 2.
> Following that she would probably be best advised to take a 100 - 300 hour
> anatomy course as a foundation to detail and resource info - can be done
> distance through some Universities.  There are also three preliminary
> International BodyTalk Association approved Anatomy and Physiology college
> level courses available through correspondence. If she does not have time,
> at least get anatomy reference books - she can e-mail back to her BT
> Instructor how to address the info. Confidence comes with past healing
> experience and experiencing results.
> Imagine being a missionary helping where there are limited meds -
> one's INNATE WISDOM is capable of great things.  No, this is not biblical,
> religious or consulting spirits beyond the body.  It works without prayer,
> although if one subscribes to prayer, I'm sure it may help.
> Nor is this 'hocus-pocus'.
> My teacher retired his 20 yr. chiropractic license (could not be dual
> certified in his province) to licence in BodyTalk which gave superior
> results to his CD and allergy elimination techniques.  An Ob/Gyn - who
> headed the Obstetrics and Gynecology department in a major US research
> hospital - found herself between a rock and a hard place when - her
> intake numbers dropped over 10 fold after she used BT on her female
> The reduced surgical $$'s cut into federal grants available to the
> It did not meet with the approval ($$$'s) of the hospital board.  She left
> highly prestigious position at the hospital and is in private BT practice.
> I dropped all my certifications in many modalities because BT embraced or
> moved beyond them all after I had completed taking all the modules plus...
> BodyTalk does not preclude allopathic benefits.  E.g.  A CD who was just
> learning and practising for 10 minutes before doing his CD work could not
> get 'Permissions' from a woman to do BodyTalk.  BT then directs the
> practitioner to other modalities... in this case it went 'surgeon'. She
> pacemaker which was 'dying' and only by directing her husband to
>  take her immediately to her heart surgeon was her life saved.
> A body maybe exhibiting very sick symptoms and it may have a nasty
> bacterial, viral or other yucky-ugly-nasty.  After going through the
> protocol and 'tapping out' - BT lingo - the temperature will usually rise
> 'burn off' the bacterial, viral or other yucky-ugly-nasty.  Usually the
> issue has resolved itself in 24 hours.  If supremely nasty, or one has
> dealing/denying it for a few days, it may take 36-48 hours to be gone.
> I have seen a girl diagnosed with MS on two continents with 3 diagnosis,
> off work for over a year on disability be down graded in a year to 'must
> have been a tick - 'we suspect Lyme's disease', to being over all of that
> almost 2 years, and is now back to teaching - full time.
> The greater blessing of BT is one can be in the 'out-back' so to speak, or
> in a 'third world country' and generally does not need meds.  Also helpful
> if one pulls a muscle or has digestive challenges in a new environment.
> Treatments can be done from a distance with an experienced practitioner
> if a newby's confidence or depth of understanding is not yet there - it
> come with time.
> Also, BT works on animals and plants, crops & earth - fungus, rot, etc.
> BodyTalkers are helping kids with autism - brain damage - ah..gee... it
> seems to always comes up 'thimerosal' -  but that is not 'proven' in law
> the realms of medicine or legal responsibility.  Nor does it matter.
> "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change
> something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."
> --- R. Buckminster Fuller
> Numerous MD's, ND's, CD's, Veterinarians, Classical Chinese
> RMT's, and many others are learning this modality world wide.  The web
> for classes across the States are at:
> Malaria - with medical quality (EC-AFNOR) essential oils - 'Once a person
> has contracted the disease, oils such as lemon can help amplify immune
> response.  Add lemon oil and honey to water and sip when attack
> is impending.' Ref.: Essential Oils Desk Reference ISBN 0-943685-25-7
> P.S. I would use lemon in water daily for optimum protection.
> Obviously it she has a CS maker it would help - but if she is not into
> or there are electrical limitations, the BT is not dependent upon anything
> outside of the human body so it may be helpful... In my opinion from
> experience with paralytic polio, massive doses of anti-biotics wreck havoc
> with the immune system... just my experience...
> If you have any questions you are welcome to contact me off-line.
> Christine
> > From: "Heather King \(LCA\)" <>
> > Reply-To:
> > Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 09:20:38 -0700
> > To: <>, <>
> > Subject: CS>Malaria questions
> > Resent-From:
> > Resent-Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 09:19:08 -0700
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > Digging into the depths of your collective experience, will CS do
> > anything at all in either the prevention of or the healing of malaria?
> > My parents are heading to Africa for a 1-year mission through their
> > church and in my Mom's words are "going to be taking antibiotics every
> > day to prevent malaria". I inherently mistrust blanket statements like
> > that, but after lurking for years on this list I know that those
> > particular blanket statements are begging to be examined...any light to
> > be shed? Are there good reasons why my Mom's doctor would be prescribing
> > antibiotics for daily use for malaria prevention? Should I question her
> > further about this?
> >
> > Thanks in advance...
> > Heather
> >
> --
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