----- Original Message ----- 
From: Citizens for Health 
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 2:26 PM
Subject: URGENT ACTION ALERT! Contact Congress today!

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Herbal Alternatives Briefing is just one week away!  Make
sure your Members of Congress attend! 

The Herbal Alternatives briefing, a vitally important issue
briefing for Members of Congress and their staff, is only
one week away!  This briefing will educate Congress on the
other side of the healthcare story and give them important
information about the scientific evidence that supports the
role herbs and supplements play in creating better health. 
It is critical that you write and call your Members TODAY
and make sure they attend!  

Thank you to the over 17,000 of you that have written or
called already.  But if we want to make a real impact and
ensure a significant turnout at the briefing, we need at
least 25,000 grassroots supporters to contact Congress! 
Take action today at www.citizens.org.   Don't wait—the time
is critical! 

Here’s what you can do: 

1. If you haven’t already sent a letter to your Members,
send one TODAY!  It’s easy.  Simply click here.   We need to
get 8,000 additional letters to Congress right away if we
want to be heard!  It is URGENT that you send your letter

2. If you have already sent a letter, thank you!  Your
action has certainly made a difference.  But don’t stop
there.  Call the offices of your Representatives and make
sure that they are attending.  First, call the Capitol
Switchboard at 1-800-839-5276 or 202-224-3121 to get the
phone numbers for your Members' offices.  Here’s an easy
script you can follow when you call your Representative: 

“Hello, my name is _____ and I am a constituent of
Representative _____.  I wanted to let him/her know that an
important issue briefing is taking place on June 17th at
12:00 p.m. in 2168 Rayburn.  Dr. James Duke, the nation’s
top herbal expert and 30-year USDA veteran, will present
scientific evidence on the 2000-year-old safety record
supporting use of botanicals.  It is important to me that
he/she gets all the facts before making critical decisions
that impact my health and the health of this country.  I
encourage Representative____ to attend and learn about the
beneficial role that herbs and supplements can play in the
future of our healthcare system.” 

Then, please let us know that you’ve called.  Send an email
to i...@citizens.org  and tell us whom you spoke with and if
any of your Members plan to attend. 

3. Tell your friends!  Do you know others who use
supplements and care about maintaining access to vitamins
and herbs?  Then, let them know how important it is that
they contact their Members of Congress!  Forward them this
action alert or simply send them the following link:
Go to  www.citizens.org and take action today!  It is time
to stop allowing an army of drug industry lobbyists and the
misinformed media to educate our nation’s decision makers
about the role that herbs and supplements play in
maintaining and creating wellness.  Let’s make sure we get
our leaders the RIGHT information—encourage your Members of
Congress to attend the Herbal Alternatives briefing with Dr.
James Duke on June 17th.  Get involved today—take action,
tell your friends and register to vote! 

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address will NEVER be sold or exchanged. If you would like
to unsubscribe from this newsletter, please reply to this
message with "Remove" in the subject line.    

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