MessageHi Bob:

I coined the term Electrically Isolated Silver several years ago.

There were quite a few reasons for doing so.  We received ( and still do ) 
quite a bit of correspondence from people very new to the CS world who quickly 
become very confused about the different products available under the name 
"colloidal silver", "ionic silver", even "atomic" or "monoatomic" silver.  We 
wanted to make an accurate distinction between silver compounds and true 
isolated silver products.

Technically, Electrically Ionized Silver is not accurate.

Isolated Silver does not have to be created via electrolysis, nor does it have 
to necessarily be ionic.  A true silver colloid made via chemical reaction or 
laser production also fits the true defination of EIS:  Electrically Isolated 

In fact, I originally borrowed part of the term by doing cursory research on 
particulate silver created with high powered lasers.

Mesosilver, as an example, is an electrically isolated silver product, with a 
higher particulate content than ionic content.  It's the charge characteristics 
AND the chemical make-up that define an isolated silver.

Naming something accurately is an extremely  powerful thing.  As they say:  
"Nomen Est Omen" - The name is the destiny.

Consider the fact that a UCLA researcher recorded the "wavelength" of silver, 
and reproduced this electric "signature" using a gas discharge tube.  When  he 
emitted this wavelength into a petri dish filled with bacteria, the bacteria 
were killed just as if the bacteria had come into contact with silver ions.

In our pursuit for the most biologically effective silver product, we seek 
isolated silver in its truest form possible with the highest possible 
ogliodynamic properties.

Best Regards,

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bob smith 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 11:39 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>EIS

  I have seen it used on this site a number of times. It  was supposed to stand 
for electrically isolated silver.  I am by no means an authority in any 
technical area but to me it stands for electrically ionized silver.  It has 
been pointed out that what we are generating is not Colloidal Silver. I am not 
the author of that position either.   Bob Smith
    P.S. I've been meaning to ask you if my shipment arrived O.K.? I wasn't 
worried about it giving you indigestion as I knew you would have plenty of 
CS/EIS to take care of it
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Medwith, Robert 
    To: 'cs' 
    Sent: Tuesday, July 13, 2004 10:34 AM
    Subject: CS>EIS

    What is EIS


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