Re: CS>Re: SO>Frequency

  Hi Jim,

  I was having trouble finding the source of this thread,  and finally
  came across your post where you describe working in a shielded room:

  > I hate to sound like a doubting Thomas, but unless I see some more
  > evidence, I  tend  to write this off as an  urban  legend.  I have
  > earned my living doing radio frequency testing in screen rooms for
  > electromagnetic  compatibility,   emission,   and  susceptibility,
  > called EMI and EMC. These test are so sensitive that if  you leave
  > the screen room door open even the smallest crack,  radio stations
  > from miles away overload the monitoring equipment. In many cases I
  > have been inside the screen room in front of the antenna, and have
  > never seen  a signal. The frequencies covered were from 30  KHz to
  > over 1000 MHz and printed out on a plotter.

  I agree  completely. If humans were emitting signals  at  50MHz,  it
  would most  certainly  appear  in these  measurements.  It  does not

  Also, if  we radiated at 50Mhz, it would be deadly  in  warfare. All
  the enemy  would need is a cheap vhf receiver and a  dipole antenna,
  and could  easily  tell where we were hiding. We  would  have  to be
  covered from head to toe in thin metal foil to prevent the radiation
  from escaping.

  Now, how  many  soldiers  have you seen  walking  around  covered in
  aluminum foil?

Best Wishes,

Mike Monett

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