Here is an excerpt from Vitamin Research News bulletin of Sept.
2001.<>re Dupuytrens contracture and Peyronies.I followed this
protocol using PABA successfully to stop and reverse Peyronies.I used
approx.3 to 4 grams per day.
              PABA as an Anti-Crosslinking Agent
                The crosslinkage theory of aging was
             proposed by Professor Johan Bjork-sten
             in 1974. Bjorksten believed that the aging
             process was due to crosslinks (undesir-
             able bonds induced by excess free radi-
             cals) which formed between molecules).
             Bjorksten theorized that these crosslinks
             progressively impaired the function of the
             body, the end result of which was aging.
             PABA appears to slow and in some cases
             even reverse crosslinking in the protein
             structures of connective tissues such as collagen.
           Collagen crosslinking-- is the primary process in a
         number of fibrotic diseases, including:                     .
         Peyronie's disease (formation of fibrotic
         plaques of the penis~ usually in men over
         50, resulting in painful, "crooked" erec-
         tions, rendering intercourse difficult or
         impossible); Dupuytren 's contracture   -
         (wherein the flexor tendons of the fingers  -
         of the hands become fibrotic and contract,
         rendering the fingers useless); and sclero-
         derma (a rare condition characterized by
         heavily crosslinked skin and tissues, with
         d(1964) found PABA to have a marked
         therapeutic effect in these conditions, in'   .
         doses of 12 grams per day.21 Zarafonetis
         also used PABA to treat dermatitis her-
         petiformis (200 mg, 4-5 times daily), and
         vitiligo (a depigmenting disease). By
         slowing crosslinking, PABA may pro-
         mote greater body flexibility in normally
         aging individuals.
          Potential Side Effects and Cautions
            High-dose PABA is generally well-
         tolerated, its most significant adverse side
         effects being diarrhea and nausea, which
         resolved with cessation of use, or lowering
         of tlie dose. As PABA is water soluble, it is
         rapidly excreted in the urine, and must
         therefore be administered in divided doses
         throughout the day. High-dose PABA
         should be discontinued when taking sulfa
         antibiotics (like Bactrim or Septra).

        I hope this helps,

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