Hi Nessie:

Traditional chelation therapy has been shown to be non-effective in the 
treatment of silver toxicity, especially argyria.  If in doubt, feel free to 
contact Kamila K Padlewska, MD @ http://www.emedicine.com/derm/topic595.htm

Tracy runs a great list, but he doesn't research things deep enough.  His 
perspective is sadly colored by his undying loyalty to products created by 
David Hinkson.

The words below make absolutely no real sense.  Silver particles are not water 
soluble.  Silver Protein IS, and there is great history of argyria cases with 
similiar silver compunds.  Silver Citrate, which is what Water OZ is, is 
equally soluble, and there is an equal potential for over-use and the 
subsequent possibility of argyria.

Best Regards,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Nessie" <nes...@shaw.ca>
To: "Silver - List" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 10:11 AM
Subject: CS>RE: A post on Tracy's list..

> This is a re-posted  from Tracy's  group. Any comments.??
>                                  gm..
> *************************************************************
> Chelation will remove the heavy silver. CS should never be taken 
> internally for it is not water-soluble and will lodge into the tissues 
> same as any other heavy metal. Use CS externally and water soluble 
> minerals internally. WaterOz has water soluble minerals as well as 
> Willard water and Perrier water.
> Tracy