OK, I have more information on the milk experiment. This is where we stand

1. Plain milk - 42 hours
2. EIS added - 51 hours
3. EIS with a pinch of salt added - 42 hours
4. Ionic silver added - 60 hours
5. colloidal silver added - 41 hours
6. EIS + H2O2 added - 60 hours and still liquid

Will post again when the EIS + H2O2 #6 starts clabbering.  I believe the
earlier clabbering of #5 is due to the milk being a day older and thus
having a higher starting bacteria count.


Marshall Dudley wrote:

> OK, I have started the milk experiment.  I have some preliminary
> results, but am surprised at the results.
> Here is the test setup:
> 1. Milk stated out initially at about 2 C. (35 F).
> 2. ambient temperature is 20 C (69 F).
> 3. 2 oz. of 2% milk was added to all the glasses.
> 4. one teaspoon (.167 oz) of test substance was added to each glass,
> except the first one.
> 5. The first 3 glasses were slightly larger diameter than the last 3.
> 6. The ionic has about 1/2 the ion content of the original EIS and about
> 1/14 the particle content of the original EIS and was generated via
> freezing.
> Here are the results thus far, times are length of time to clabbering,
> longer is better:
> 1. Plain milk - 42 hours
> 2. EIS added - 51 hours
> 3. EIS with a pinch of salt added - 42 hours
> 4. Ionic silver added - 60 hours
> 5. colloidal silver added - not yet clabbered but stated 24 hours later
> 6. EIS + H2O2 added - same as 5

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