Suggest those interested in energy med./ ozone/ etc............ pay
a visit here:

The texts and pamphlets and manuals here are extremely interesting.
A component generated by a favorite old instrument of mine, "the
quack medical device", the Violet Ray- IS OZONE!!

Poke thru these texts and you'll find 'ozone' mentioned in several.

Do I remember hearing one time, there is such a thing as a 'good ozone'
and such a thing as a 'bad kinda ozone'???

As an aside:  
        Meridian Institute is a unique 'group' that has been struggling
funds-wise for years, the research they have been doing has been
financed largely by the sweat of their collective brow and great
personal sacrifice. If you have been blessed beyond your needs, 
Meridian may offer an opportunity for you!!  They sometimes have
need of volunteer helpers.....  example-- I was able to help a teeny
bit by doing some typing on one of the texts now offered at their
site [most of these old texts do not lend themselves to being scanned]
        Even if you cannot help, I suggest these are some wonderful
folks to know about.

blessings,      davido