Hello, if you have a fever, peppermint oil (oil of pepperment) works. Just 
don't do as I did. I did not have a dropper so I "poured" some in my bath 
water, along with one or two other essential oil fragrances and bath salts.  I 
was only wanting to take a relaxing bath, as I did not have a fever.
As I sat there, all of a sudden my body became ice cold even though the water 
was not.  I did not know what was wrong, but I was so cold, that the inside of 
my body felt cold to the bones.  I had to get out of the bath, got into bed and 
covered up with two inches of cover.  I should have warmed up, but I was still 
FREEZING and bone cold!!!!
I had to get up and take another bath for the warmth, but still I was freezing! 
For 30 min or more, I was shivering and freezing like you would not believe.
I then looked into my essential oil book and learned peppermint gets rid of 
If you or your child has fever, I suggest getting some peppermint essential oil 
and put on a towel or in a bath for them.  However, I would not use much. You 
don't want to experience what I experienced.  It really scared me!
Hope this helps for any fevers out there.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Ms. Wilma L. Amos 
To: CS
Sent: 12/12/2004 1:14:34 PM 
Subject: CS>