Thanks, but I screwed up the math on that, there are 2.2 pound per kilogram, and
I figured 2.2 kilograms per pound. The correct answer is slightly over 100
gallons a day.

3.8 gram/.00001 (10 ppm) = 380000 grams of EIS
380000 g/1000 g/kg = 380 Kg of EIS
380 Kg*2.2lb/Kg = 836 lbs of EIS
836 lbs/8 lb/gallon = 104.5 gallons

Marshall wrote:

> In a message dated 12/16/04 2:30:00 PM EST, writes:
> << It might be noted that 3.8 grams a day of silver taken as 10 ppm EIS would
> be 380 kilograms of EIS, or approximately 22 gallons a day. >>
> I am SO glad you posted that.   Thank you.      MA
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